Atika Lim

75 Posts
3299 Claps
Block Email Tracking
3 mins

What is email tracking, and why you should turn it off

Companies know when you open an email from them. Stop it by blocking pixels hidden in your emails.
2 mins

3 easy privacy settings on iPhone you didn’t know about

Think you know about all the settings to keep your iPhone secure? See if you’ve done these.
3 mins

Love photo-editing apps? Don’t give away your face too easily

Photo filters are fun, but using them is also giving away your biometrics and more.
And eggplant with a lock covering it.
5 mins

How to hide your sensitive pictures

We’re not judging your naked selfies or NSFW pictures. But here’s how to hide them on your iPhone or Android, or in secure cloud storage.
Pride flag with a padlock.
4 mins

Online privacy and safety for the LGBTQ+ community

This Pride Month, we take a look at issues surrounding online privacy among the LGBTQ+ community.
3 mins

When catfish meets crypto scam on dating apps

Do your attractive matches on dating apps mainly want to talk about a great crypto opportunity? Beware of the latest catfish.
Apple iOS Update
3 mins

Explainer: iPhone’s new App Tracking Transparency feature

Apple has rolled out a privacy feature on its iOS 14.5 iPhone update that allows users to opt-out of being tracked on apps. Here’s how it works.
Back to the office? 8 tips to protect your privacy at work
3 mins

Back to the office? 7 tips to protect your privacy at...

Protecting your privacy in the workplace doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are some ways you can do so both physically and virtually.
Big Tech Data Users
5 mins

What does Big Tech know about you? Find out

Tech giants like Google, Apple, and Microsoft are tracking you. Here is how to see the profiles they have built on you and how to remove some of this data.
Finger Waving, Clubhouse App
3 mins

What is Clubhouse, and is it private?

By now, you’ve probably heard of the invite-only app Clubhouse. But what exactly does the app do, and how safe is it?

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